Edmonds-Woodway High School Music Boosters

Communications Team

We are looking for several volunteers to take over various PR and Communications-related tasks from our outgoing Communications Director. Training can be provided if you would like to build your skill set.

Some examples of tasks:

  • MOST NEEDED: Graphic design services via Canva and Photoshop (or other design software) – you will get a free FULL Canva Pro license
  • Maintaining active social media presence on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
  • Content and design for EWHS Music website via WordPress
  • Maintaining EWHS Music website (backups, updates, bug fixing, managing hosting account and domain)
  • Creating and distributing monthly Boosters newsletter via Constant Contact
  • Writing weekly content for EW Express newsletter
  • Designing and producing printed materials, such as handouts, event posters, forms, etc.
  • Creating PowerPoint presentations for meetings
  • Managing digital archive of documents, photos, videos, design assets, etc.
  • Other PR/Communications-related duties not listed here

We would prefer volunteers to be parents of current freshman, sophomores or juniors, to facilitate transfer of knowledge and continuity into the coming school year(s), but any assistance would be appreciated. If you are interested in helping out, please submit your information via our general boosters email at “ewhsmusicboosters at gmail dot com” and add the words “Volunteering” or “Board Position” in the subject line. A team member will get in touch with you shortly.