Thank you so much for donating! Your generosity makes it possible for us to continue bridging the gap between the needs of our music program and the funding provided by the school district.
PayPal: @ewhsmusicboosters
Venmo: “EWHS_Music_Boosters”
Via check payable to “EWHS Music Boosters”
EWHS Music Boosters
PO Box 6215
Edmonds, WA 98026
Funding the Gap
Funds raised by the EWHS Music Boosters close the financial gap between the needs of our Music Program and the funding provided by the school district. This support allows the program to provide a wide variety of high-quality music immersion opportunities to students from all backgrounds. Our program is deeply committed to equity and inclusivity for ALL our music students!
These funds will allow us to support:
Sectional Coaching – Music professionals working with our students in small groups to help mitigate very large ensemble classes. The benefits are significant, and include intensive “ear” and technique training, exposure to new genres of music, direct contact with the music industry, and further education.
Participation Opportunities – Access to individual scholarships, Financial Aid, and subsidized experiences outside of school, such as camps, festivals, competitions, field trips, concerts, and more.
Donor Levels
There are many benefits associated with becoming a donor to our program. Please review our donor level descriptions by clicking on the links below.
Business Donor Program
Individual Donor Program
Download a receipt for tax purposes
Please check if your employer matches personal donations to nonprofits. We are a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Federal ID 91-1226385.